OK, just came across this, the link is from thefirearmblog.com
It seems that Google and Facebook had this bright idea of datamining photos of your guns, indexing your firearm’s serial numbers, they even index and archive serial numbers of silencers. Its not farfetched that they would also detect other delicate material such as armor and night vision, all of course associated to your name, IP, address, political views, and everything you ever said online about one politician or another.
Of course technology to do all this has been around for some time, but its concerning that they specifically started creating what is for all practical purposes a gun (and gun related material) registration database.
Careful what you upload, use Firefox and Duckduckgo instead of google.
Dangerous times people.
Check out my new Book “Street Survival Skills” . Fernando “FerFAL” Aguirre is the author of “The Modern Survival Manual: Surviving the Economic Collapse” and “Bugging Out and Relocating: When Staying is not an Option”