Hope all is well. When putting cash back for bad times is there a percentage or mix of denominations that works best? I am sure anything is better than nothing but is it better to have a large sum in big bills back, or a mix? I would imagine if inflation hits smaller denominations are worthless?
Hello A-
Thank you for your email.
Cash is one of those things you just don’t see people talking about that much in our community. Sure, someone mentions having a few 10s or 20s, maybe a few coins for machines and such but rarely much more than that.
Over the years, whenever cash was brought up, I get a few standard replies.
“Cash? That becomes paper after SHTF, look at Weimar republic”
Yes… kind of. Weimar was a very specific case and even if something that bad happens cash won’t lose its value overnight. I’ve seen my cash lose about 60% of its value in a matter of days… cash was STILL valuable, especially if you had either the green or European kind.
“I don’t focus on cash, I’m all about the skills, hunting and growing food. I wouldn’t change a single chicken for a bar of gold or a million bucks… cuz I cant eat gold or cash”
Ok.. first, that’s stupid. Even if you don’t care about cash or gold, a bar of the stuff of any size is a lot of money that you can easily sell/trade so it would idiotic not to take advantage of such an opportunity. Second, its not about you. Even if you don’t want to trade a pound of rice for a pound of gold (or cash), there’s millions of people out there that will, and that’s what really matters, the so called market for said product.
So yes cash is important, clearly one of the most useful tools during real world emergencies and you want to have a good bit of it at hand. A month worth of expenses is a good start.
As for denominations, it depends on where you keep said cash. In my car I keep the ashtray/cup thing ( I don’t smoke) with about 30 bucks in coins. I pick change from there all the time and throw it back in when given to me. In my wallet I keep maybe a couple 10s, a couple 20s and then about 300-400 in 50’s for emergencies. How much emergency cash to keep on you at all times? Depends on your situation. I would suggest enough for a couple nights in a hotel if needed, enough for a few bus/train/plane tickets somewhere safe.
In a pack you may want to have 100 bucks in 10 or 20, but any more cash you may go with 50s or 100s because it probably means you’re buying something more expensive, maybe getting a room, renting a car, buying a ticket for traveling and so on.
As for the cash you keep at home for emergencies 100s bills are fine. Some change makes sense but I don’t see the point in having two thousand bucks in 10s just in case you need that much change. Don’t forget also about precious metals, silver and gold!
Best of luck!
Fernando “FerFAL” Aguirre is the author of “The Modern Survival Manual: Surviving the Economic Collapse” and “Bugging Out and Relocating: When Staying is not an Option”