Channel: FerFAL – The Modern Survivalist
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Brexit Survival guide: 5 things to do right Now


Stockpile food


The government recently admitted that in anticipation of a no-deal Brexit, it has been drawing up plans to stockpile processed foods, in the event that the free flow of goods, in particular food and medicine is discontinued between EU producers and UK consumers.

Theresa May just said stockpiling food and medicines for Brexit is  being ‘sensible’ in preparing for a ‘no deal’. What do you know? I can finally agree with this woman on something.

I’d rather have the food myself rather than the government though. Don’t like the idea of waiting in line with an empty stomach while they redistribute food and supplies as they see fit. That just doesn’t tickle my fancy if you know what I mean.

Having a healthy stockpile of food is always a good idea, but its even more so when the government is clearly also preparing specifically for such a possibility.

Go to ASDA, Lidl or some other discount store and stock up on rice, beans or lentils and dry pasta. They are cheap and they will keep you fed.  I’d get 6 months worth of it. Kept stored in a seal bag it will last for years and you can work your way through it incorporating it into different meals as you rotate your supply.

Get a well check with your GP

Mobile health check unit

How do I get an NHS Health Check?

If you haven’t had a stroke, or don’t already have heart disease, diabetes or kidney disease, you can have an NHS Health Check if you’re aged 40 to 74. It’s essential to stay in good health and the NHS only authorizes one of these (for now) every five years. There’s no reason why the NHS can’t stop “inviting” people to get this done. If that happens, expect to pay for this out of your own pocket when money is short after Brexit.

Stock up on medicine, other supplies and gold

Image result for gold sovereign

Just like with food, import fees, low supply and a devaluated currency means that without a doubt products both local and imported will be more expensive. You want to stock up even British products given that they simply wont get any cheaper in the next few years.

The Pound will continue to drop, that’s one of the few things everyone agrees on. The more optimistic ones predict a faster recovery, the more pessimistic ones don’t see that happening for many years. Even from an objective perspective a country leaving a larger trading block will obviously try to have a competitive currency. So yes, expect to pay more for things, local and imported.

Personally, I would also look into putting some savings into precious metals and even some foreign currency.  A bit of silver and gold bought from a reputable dealer. With the Pound going down in value, money that you have just sitting or isnt well invested will depreciate considerably.

Keep calm and carry… that’s it.

And carry. If you can’t carry a gun carry a knife and if all you can carry is a non-locking sub 3 inch blade then carry that. The Spyderco UK legal Pen Knife is at least a sharp edge. Carry a flashlight too. Carry a first aid kit in your bag.

Its UK, you can carry a sturdy pointy umbrella too and no one will bat an eye… I suggest this one, the Unbreakable Walking-Stick Umbrella.

As for keeping calm, that’s always a good idea, especially during trying times. Now truth be told, the motivational phrase was suited for the mass getting bombed during WWII but keep clam and just carry on sounds a LOT like resignation.

No, keep calm but stay informed, know what’s good for you and your best interest. Brexit is a milestone that does not affect all people equally. The 79 year old man that is contemplating kicking the bucket any minute is not in the same situation as the 20 year old about to get his diploma and considering further education or working abroad.

Dont be fooled. Some people will benefit from Brexit and others will suffer it. Know which one you are and act accordingly.

I believe that people that just keep calm and carry on are in denial. In my experience they can also be described as easy targets and they often end up being just that. My approach to dealing with hard times is considerably different, and I share that in my first book “The Modern Survival Manual: Surviving the Economic Collapse”.

Keep calm but don’t drop your guard, stay aware and be proactive. Take your family’s safety and well-being into your own hands.

Buy a gun

Yes, its perfectly legal, so why not?

Shotgun and firearm certificates

If the great zombie knife ban of 2018 is an indication of things to come then gun laws are not likely to get any better. Granted, even if you get your shotgun certificate nothing is stopping the authorities from revoking it and forcing you to surrender it eventually if made illegal. But I always like my chances better when I do own a gun, especially when crime is going up, money invested in police is going down and there’s a chance of civil unrest. A pump or reliable semi auto shotgun is what I would be going for when a good handgun or semiauto rifle isn’t an option. Don’t forget to buy ammo for it. Ammo doesn’t go bad, you eventually shoot it anyway and without it the gun is just a poor club.

You don’t like guns, think they are icky? That’s nice, but then don’t go around expecting someone with a gun to show up and save you.

Good luck!


Fernando “FerFAL” Aguirre is the author of “The Modern Survival Manual: Surviving the Economic Collapse” and “Bugging Out and Relocating: When Staying is not an Option”

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