Most survivalists have a problem with keeping things real. Too often they let fantasy get in the way and at times it isn’t that easy to tell fantasy from fiction.
EMP threat would be a good example. Elector magnetic pulses do occur, they are very much real and they do cause serious problems. But if you ask preppers and survivalists what would happen if a nuclear device was detonated above North America many of them would reply with significant confidence that most electronic devices would be affected by it and that cars would immediately stop running unless they were several decades old and didn’t have computers on board. Since pretty much everything has a computer in it these days, everything from cellphones to cars would stop working and we would be going back to the stone age overnight. Well, as common as this belief is, its far from accurate.
The following link explains actual tests of how EMP affects both running and non-running vehicles.
Its far from what most people think. A couple important points from the research linked:
1)All cars that weren’t running when hit by the EMP were not affected and ran when turned on.
2)Only 3 out of 37 vehicles hit with EMP stopped running.
3)About one car in twenty may expect damage that requires a mechanic for repairs. Two out of the three cars that stopped running due to thee EMP would run normally once turned on again.
Fernando “FerFAL” Aguirre is the author of “The Modern Survival Manual: Surviving the Economic Collapse” and “Bugging Out and Relocating: When Staying is not an Option”.