Don Williams said…
It’s somewhat Orwellian but GPS beacons will let you track your child’s location if he is kidnapped. Some of the products let you define a geo-fence and sends you a cell phone alert if the kid wanders outside the defined area (e.g., his school’s boundaries)
The SPOT Satellite Personal Tracker is used by Big Kids also. Uplinks distress calls to satellites overhead. If you go hiking in the Amazon and annoy the natives it will help your family find your remains.
And some of these devices have been used by suspicious wifes to track where hubby’s car goes after work. heh heh
Hint: Spy shops sell a scanner to locate such a beacon on your car — the CIA’s Clandestine Service are amateurs conpared to some philandering husbands.
I recommend downloading the App GPS Phone Tracker Pro for all family members.
Yes, it is kind of creepy but then again it does work and we do use it in my family.
Sometimes my oldest son comes back with some smartass remark about his rights. My reply usually goes along the lines “oh, you though this was a democracy.. I see the confusion. Its not. Think of it as a benevolent dictatorship where you do as I say”. All joking aside, it makes perfect sense to have the GPS turned on and know where your loved ones are at all times. It gives you a lot of peace of mind and during an emergency its much easier to know everyone’s whereabouts.
The NSA is already spying on all of us and that won’t change any time soon. Each family member knowing where everyone else is, that we consider an asset rather than an intrusion.
Fernando “FerFAL” Aguirre is the author of “The Modern Survival Manual: Surviving the Economic Collapse” and “Bugging Out and Relocating: When Staying is not an Option”.